REEF ACTIF contains marine biopolymers which bind excess nutrients and other pollutants and lead to their decomposition via specialized microorganisms.
One and Only is composed of 100% nitrifying bacteria.
Waste-Away est une combinaison unique de bactéries qui attaquent et dissolvent rapidement les déchets organiques dans l’aquarium.
Eco-Balance uses friendly probiotic bacteria as a natural way to restore and maintain a balanced aquarium environment while enhancing the immune response of saltwater fish.
Clear-UP 100% Natural Water Clarifier is used to clear up cloudy, white aquarium water without harmful chemicals.
Baktoplan is a new kind of product that contains a larger number of special bacteria that lodge themselves specifically in the filter or on surfaces in aquariums or ponds, for example on plants, the bottom and stones.
Baktoplan is a new kind of product that contains a larger number of special bacteria that lodge themselves specifically in the filter or on surfaces in aquariums or ponds, for example on plants, the bottom and stones.
Tunze care Bacter, 40ml Care Bacter contains bacteria on a substrate of powdered Maerl gravel, which keep fresh or seawater aquaria clean.
Potent combination of beneficial bacteria that work together to maintain clear water, clean aquarium surfaces and eliminate unpleasant odors