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Preis Magnesium Hexahydrat 450 gr View larger

Preis Magnesium Hexahydrat 450 gr


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Preis-sodium bicar­bon­ate and Preis-calcium chloride dihydrate are extremely pure, fast-dis­solv­ing special salts in the highest level of purity, for main­tain­ing calcium levels in a reef aquarium.

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16,99 €

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The third com­pon­ent used is Preis Mineral Salt (with no sodium chloride). The Balling method is a simple and inex­pens­ive way to ensure the appro­pri­ate supply of minerals in marine aquar­i­ums. This method has become the estab­lished way to raise calcium levels and car­bon­ate hardness.

Preis mag­nesi­um chloride hexahy­drate and Preis mag­nesi­um sulphate hep­tahy­drate

The mag­nesi­um level in a reef aquarium should be around 1350mg/l. Use these two Balling salts to achieve the desired levels in your water.

All the salts are pure phar­ma­ceut­ic­al grade.
