All products Preis - Reef Store Bulk - Importer and Wholesaler.
Coral-Energizer is a high-quality feed mixture and especially suitable for Ricordea, disc and crust anemones as well as soft and leather corals.
Coral-V-Power is a pulverised food for all the corals with small and medium polyps, as well as for other filter feeders, such as mussels and gorgonians.
Fish-V-Power, energizer for the fresh- and the seawater fish in aquariums. To be used regularly, as a treatment, after any disease, or after having purchased livestock or else, to help the young fish to thrive.
For coral fish, shrimp, live coral, invertebrates, Malawi and Tanganyika lakes fish.
For coral fish, shrimp, live coral, invertebrates, Malawi and Tanganyika lakes fish.
For sensitive invertebrates, soft and hard coral, and calciferous algae.
For sensitive invertebrates, soft and hard coral, and calciferous algae.
For plants in aquariums (freshwater) and freshwater preparation.
For plants in aquariums (freshwater) and freshwater preparation.
For lower animals, algae and marine fish from the shallow water zones, fresh water treatment.
For lower animals, algae and marine fish from the shallow water zones, fresh water treatment.
Aktivant M preis 300 gr regenerating for preis marine presal.
Activating P preis 900 gr regenerating for fresh water presal
Against polluting red and black algae in a saltwater aquarium
Against polluting red and black algae in a saltwater aquarium
An invasion of algae in a freshwater aquarium is not only unsightly, but it also subsequently harms the aquatic plants.
ALPHA MARIN, a biochemical filtering material, will maintain a balance of calcium and carbonic acid in your aquarium.
ALPHA MARIN, a biochemical filtering material, will maintain a balance of calcium and carbonic acid in your aquarium.
ALPHA MARIN, a biochemical filtering material, will maintain a balance of calcium and carbonic acid in your aquarium.
ALPHA MARIN, a biochemical filtering material, will maintain a balance of calcium and carbonic acid in your aquarium.
Baktoplan is a new kind of product that contains a larger number of special bacteria that lodge themselves specifically in the filter or on surfaces in aquariums or ponds, for example on plants, the bottom and stones.
Baktoplan is a new kind of product that contains a larger number of special bacteria that lodge themselves specifically in the filter or on surfaces in aquariums or ponds, for example on plants, the bottom and stones.
Preis Bioporon For freshwater and seawater Biologically active bacterial bed for all irrigation filtration systems and biofilters. The BIOPORON trickling filter consists of extremely light and porous filtration balls with a large surface area. Ø 12–15mm.
is an extremely fine white substrate of calcium and magnesium compounds that is ideal for sea water aquaria.
is an extremely fine white substrate of calcium and magnesium compounds that is ideal for sea water aquaria.
Preis Carely is the ideal care product for all ornamental fish, especially Discus, Malawi-Tanganyika perch, new fish to the aquarium and imports.
Preis Carely is the ideal care product for all ornamental fish, especially Discus, Malawi-Tanganyika perch, new fish to the aquarium and imports.
To be used to combat ooodinium, cryptocaryon and ichthyophthirius in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.Do not use for invertebrates.
To be used to combat ooodinium, cryptocaryon and ichthyophthirius in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.Do not use for invertebrates.
Preis Discus Minerals for the mineralization of osmosis water and soft tap water.
Preis Discus Minerals for the mineralization of osmosis water and soft tap water.
Easy Glue® Purple - 2-Component coral adhesives in the color violet. You cannot tell the difference from coralline algae.
Easy Glue® Purple - 2-Component coral adhesives in the color violet. You cannot tell the difference from coralline algae.
Preis Easy Glue® Universal is a universal, thermal, kneadable glue for fresh and salt water aquariums.
Magnesium is the second-largest component of sea-salt (after sodium chloride).
Magnesium is the second-largest component of sea-salt (after sodium chloride).
Preis-sodium bicarbonate and Preis-calcium chloride dihydrate are extremely pure, fast-dissolving special salts in the highest level of purity, for maintaining calcium levels in a reef aquarium.
All-purpose nutrient solution for raising plankton cultures, artemia salina, invertebrates, seawater and freshwater fish.
Special powder against the most common diseases in all freshwater viviparous fish, xiphophorus helleri, platy, guppy and black molly. Immediate processing for any new import. Content 1000 g
Sensitive coralfish often tend to develop skin irritation on the mucosa, fins and gills. Most react sensitively when they are moved from one aquarium to another, and when they are first bought or imported.
Powder - for fresh water Special powder against the most common diseases in all freshwater viviparous fish, xiphophorus helleri, platy, guppy and black molly. Immediate processing for any new import. Content 100 g
Sensitive coralfish often tend to develop skin irritation on the mucosa, fins and gills. Most react sensitively when they are moved from one aquarium to another, and when they are first bought or imported.
Primary-feed and Spirulina Tabs combined, the perfect feed-mix created specifically for saltwater animals such as prawns, crabs, hermits and reef lobsters.
To be used against bacterial diseases in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
To be used against bacterial diseases in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
The new long-lasting, self-active filter material! Highly active 3-component filter material for fresh, lively, waste-free aquarium water (exclusively for fresh water).
The new long-lasting, self-active filter material. Highly active 3-component filter material for fresh, lively, waste-free aquarium water (exclusively for seawater).
Apart from calcium and magnesium, strontium is one of the most important trace elements in salt water. It is particularly essential for effective care of stone corals (SPS) and shells (Tridacna).
Carbon for easy adsorption filtering of any seawater and freshwater aquariums.