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Mineral Komplex S Preis 250ml View larger

Mineral Komplex S Preis 250ml


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For sens­it­ive inver­teb­rates, soft and hard coral, and cal­ci­fer­ous algae.

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12,90 €

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Mineral con­cen­trate for the res­tor­a­tion of trace elements and minerals in seawater aquar­i­ums. Ideal for  inver- tebrates and corals. MINERAL- KOMPLEX S replaces all the minerals absorbed by the inver­teb­rates and the corals in salt­water aquar­i­ums. Reef-forming hard coral and red cal­ci­fer­ous algae receive stron­ti­um, selenium and calcium, while iodine assures a deep green coloring of all Caulerpa species and prevents the form­a­tion of goitres in fish. Iodine usually dis­sip­ates after about 8 days in aquarium water and must abso­lutely be replen­ished on a regular basis. The coloring of Zoox­an­thel­lae, soft and stone coral is con­sid­er­ably favor­ized by the iron sup­ple­ments con­tained in MINERAL-KOMPLEX S.


20 ml per 100 l of water once weekly. MINERAL-KOMPLEX S is an effect­ive com­ple­ment to ORGAN PLANER SEE, FORMEL PREIS KORALL and PREIS MAGNESIUM- IODINE CONCENTRATE.

We recom­mend the use of PREIS SEA SALT when renewing aquarium water.